136. The movement of his Love

Paul offers us a moving sentence:
“I kneel before the Father.” Ephesians, chapter 3, verse 14

We fall to our knees, we stop in our footsteps with Paul, because the Father’s Love is eternal, infinite, quite simply. We fall to our knees to lower ourselves before the length, width and depth, before the movement of his Love.

We don’t lower ourselves because we are oppressed or submissive by an overwhelming force, we do not lower ourselves because we are crushed by a proud person, by a selfish person.

We lower ourselves, because we recognize that the Father is all that we hope for, everything we dream of. It’s all there is to it. We fall to our knees to offer ourselves to God, since we are nothing without him. We recognize it.

By going inside our heart, we have a multitude of reasons to give thanks to the Father. We are amazed in front of him.

In all humility, we also lower ourselves before Jesus who has lowered himself to come into the world and lead us to eternal life. Jesus also lowered himself to wash the Apostle’s feet. And we let ourselves be Loved by the Spirit with a heart turned toward him, to receive him, to welcome him.

We lower ourselves before the Holy Spirit, we thank him because he is Love who is God and who unites humanity with him.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: … for Love, Normand Thomas