Only True Catholicism Saves
"Bishop" Strickland Removed By Francis - What You Need to Know There is a lot of crucial information regarding "Bishop" Strickland having been removed by Antipope Francis that is not being covered by …More
"Bishop" Strickland Removed By Francis - What You Need to Know
There is a lot of crucial information regarding "Bishop" Strickland having been removed by Antipope Francis that is not being covered by "Catholic" commentators. This video explains what people need to know.
"Bishop" Strickland Removed By Francis - What You Need To Know
Did You Know That Fulton Sheen Was A Heretic? Fulton Sheen had a popular TV show & preached a watered-down fake Catholicism. He stated that non-Catholics "do not need to know" Christ - a total rejection …More
Did You Know That Fulton Sheen Was A Heretic?
Fulton Sheen had a popular TV show & preached a watered-down fake Catholicism. He stated that non-Catholics "do not need to know" Christ - a total rejection of the Gospel & the Catholic faith. Sheen wasn't Catholic. He was an abominable apostate. There are many examples of heresy & apostasy from Sheen. In Sheen's book, Treasure In Clay, he denies the necessity of Christ and the Catholic faith for salvation. Attached also is a photo from the relevant page of the book:
“The good Hindu, the good Buddhist, the good Confucianist, the good Moslem are all saved by Christ and not by Buddhism or Islam or Confucianism but through their sacraments, their prayers, their asceticism, their morality and their good life.” (Treasure In Clay, Fulton Sheen, 1980, pg. 148)
This statement from Sheen is blatant heresy & apostasy. In light of dogmatic Catholic teaching, Fulton Sheen's wicked heresy is practically the exact opposite:
Pope Eugene IV, Council of …More
A Prophetic Message Against Francis' Same-Sex "Blessings" The recent approval by the Vatican II sect under Antipope Francis for "blessings" of same-sex couples is further evidence that what is currently …More
A Prophetic Message Against Francis' Same-Sex "Blessings"
The recent approval by the Vatican II sect under Antipope Francis for "blessings" of same-sex couples is further evidence that what is currently operating out of Rome is not the Catholic Church. There is also prophetic significance regarding this development, that most aren't aware of. False traditionalists defending & antipope-splaining this abominable move by the Vatican II counter-church are headed for & leading others straight to Hell.
The false church that took over the Vatican is the prophesied end times Whore of Babylon: hence why it teaches numerous heresies condemned by the Catholic Church. It's crucial to realize that since Vatican II, the Vatican has been run by a non-Catholic heretical sect. Those under Antipope Francis need to reject him as a heretical antipope, reject Vatican II (as it taught blatant heresy), reject the Vatican II claimants to the papacy (John XXIII through Francis), leave Francis' non-Catholic sect …More
John 3:5 Mockers Stumped (1917 Code, Delayed Ensoulment, "Baptism of Desire") This is an important video which refutes those who attack the Catholic Church's dogmatic teaching that no one can be saved …More
John 3:5 Mockers Stumped (1917 Code, Delayed Ensoulment, "Baptism of Desire")
This is an important video which refutes those who attack the Catholic Church's dogmatic teaching that no one can be saved without the Catholic faith & valid water baptism. It refutes John 3:5 mockers (that is, those who arrogantly reject the words of Jesus Christ in John 3:5) who push the false idea of "baptism of desire" as if it is binding on the entire Church — it's not. It's a novelty that falls apart when held up to the most authoritative & binding rule of faith, the Magisterium (the infallible teachings of true popes).
Those who claim that "baptism of desire" is the teaching of the Church would have to hold that delayed ensoulment is also binding, when of course most of the aforementioned anti-baptism heretics don't hold that position, further proving the inconsistency & contradiction of their false theology, which is refuted by dogmatic Catholic teaching.
The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted) The New Mass (also known as the Novus Ordo Missae - a false, Protestantized service introduced by the Vatican II sect in 1969…More
The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)
The New Mass (also known as the Novus Ordo Missae - a false, Protestantized service introduced by the Vatican II sect in 1969 under Antipope Paul VI) is the prophesied "abomination of desolation" spoken of in apocalyptic Bible prophecy (Daniel 9). Various dishonest adherents of the Vatican II sect under Antipope Francis attempt to defend this phony service (which one should avoid under pain of grave sin), as well as other aspects of the anti-Catholic counter-church — they need to realize that the fake counterfeit under Jorge Bergoglio is not the Catholic Church.
The New Mass Lacks The “Mystery Of Faith” (Novus Ordo Modernists Refuted)
To be truly Christian and saved, one must be a traditional Catholic. For proof that miracles, the Bible & end times prophecy all prove that the true Catholic faith is the one true faith that is necessary for salvation, see the video "Apocalypse Now in the Vatican" & more critical …More